MIO-A701 Smartphone

The MIO-A701 Smartphone ships with a lot of goodies - USB cable, car charger, mains charger, dashboard mounting kit, windscreen mounting kit, software CDs, stereo headphones, a leather carry case, a spare stylus, and a screen protector. The A701 uses Microsoft's ActiveSync to allow the transfer of files, emails, contacts, MP3s, videos, etc., and has to be installed on your PC. The 240x320 pixel QVGA (Quarter VGA) screen, is clear and bright. The back light settings are very easy to manage. The Mio A701 doesn't have a keypad, and instead relies on a more PDA-like interface to interact with the user. This is to be expected as the A701 runs on the latest version of Windows for mobile devices, Windows Mobile 5. You can choose to select the individual letters using the stylus and virtual keyboard on the screen, you can use the Palm-like graffiti method of data entry and draw each letter individually, and there is a third method - the transcriber which deciphers ones handwriting and convert it to a text message! With all these cool new features and very light-weight body The MIO-A701 is an excellent buy.